Why aren't I losing weight? - SLIMTOX

Why aren't I losing weight?

Posted by Jennifer Whalland on

Amongst the reasons we recommend our Fat Burning Program is simple … it works. We have seen the results in thousands of clients. It is a safe way to lose body fat quickly as well as help your body’s metabolism to “reboot” itself.

We always want to see a change on the scales when we’re doing any weight-loss process, it’s natural – however so much else is going on in the body during our program; the more challenged your body is to start with the more likely you are to have slower weight loss.

YES, on average our SLIMTOXERS have reported average losses of  7-10 kilos in less than one month. However this is not always a linear scale weight loss of Xkg per day, for the following reasons:

Chronically dehydrated people will lose less “scale” weight as they re-hydrate throughout the process – this however does not means that you are not losing fat.

Chronically under-muscle-massed people (about 40%) will gain muscle mass and also re-hydrate throughout the process thereby losing less weight on the scale but fat loss will still be as predicted, as can be noticed in shrinking size/measurements.

Those with chronic diseases/low thyroid states may find initial loss slower than the average – but it will happen.

If you are not having regular bowel movements you may find that your “scale” weight stops, or can even show a gain.

Hormone imbalances may also impact on your weight loss; for instance those who are high estrogen find that the IGNITE Fat Burning Products tend to cause or increase water retention.

So the message is simple. Don’t become annoyed at the number on the scales as that is only one guide as to what is happening within your body – which is a sum of fat loss + muscle gain + fluid changes + bowel movements + hormones.

With our high quality all natural fat burning products and by you following our proven SLIMTOX Program guidelines, you will achieve your goals.

A good aid is to measure fat percentage/muscle mass levels – that way you will KNOW what is going on in the body. Knowledge is power and gives you motivation. The better balanced your body is:  muscles, hydration, muscle quality and hormonal balance – the more fat loss you’ll achieve throughout any diet process, even more so with the SLIMTOX Detox Program we have created.

The products themselves induced fat loss and is only one component of the Program for balancing the body. The specifically formulated products included in your program plus the food plan + advice  + support are all equally important to you succeeding in achieving your weight goals effectively and safely.

It’s a complete package. You can use one without the other. The food is a very integral part of the success. We have worked on updating the food plan over the past 12 months with enormous success. You will not be counting calories, macros or weighing your food portions, plus, you will enjoy healthy fats with every meal.

Get started today with your choice of drops, patches or our popular combo bundles. Everything is included with your order to achieve a healthier and happier self.

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